Somewhere Out There

Press Release

“Somewhere Out There”
An Exhibition by Hong Kong Art School Alumni & Student
28 June – 2 July @ Gallery by the Harbour, Harbour City

(15 June, 2018 | Hong Kong) Working round the clock, most of us have already given up on our dreams and imaginations. In the upcoming exhibition proudly presented by Gallery by the Harbour, namely “Somewhere Out There”, to be held from 28 June to 2 July 2018, five young emerging artists from Hong Kong Art School (a division of Hong Kong Arts Centre) will be showcasing their imaginative art pieces, bringing an extraordinary visual experience to the audience.

This exhibition leads us to revisit our fantasies, exploring an unconventional angle to perceive our reality and discovering the undiscovered in our imaginative minds. It also tells us that Art is an extension of our everyday life.

The five participating artists are all from the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme co-presented by the Hong Kong Art School and RMIT University. They have different artistic specialties, including Painting, Photography, Ceramics and Sculpture. The hummingbird in Wong Yan Yan’s painting guides us into the magical urban jungle, dazzling the viewers’ eyes. Yip Man, a graduate majoring in Painting, bases her art creation on her childhood experiences and memories. Her works capture senses of childhood innocence, which are both reflections of her memories and yearnings from the bottom of her heart. Janine Claase, majoring in Photography, grew up in South Africa. Bringing together herself and the unique local culture through the images printed on joss paper, her works give rise to whimsical effects. Suzanne Au, graduated with a major in Ceramics, has been fascinated with her researches on earthen materials. Floating in the air, her bone-china work livens up the ever-changing characteristics as well as the organic forms of the material. Annebell Chan, graduated with a major in Sculpture, is good at engaging poetically visual elements in her story-telling works.  The letter and paddle incorporated in her works resonate well with the Victoria Harbour right adjacent to the exhibition venue.

The exhibition is curated by Ms. Ivy Ma, a renowned local artist who specializes in painting and mixed media. She is an alumna of Hong Kong Art School and is now teaching at her alma mater.

Date: 28 June – 2 July 2018

Time: 11am – 10 pm

Venue: Gallery by the Harbour (Shop 207, Level 2, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui)

Opening: 28 June 2018 (Thursday) 7pm – 9:30pm

6月28日 – 7月2日 @「海港城‧美術館」

(2018年6月15日|香港) 我們每天上班下班,營營役役,把兒時幻想與箇中樂趣都忘掉,也漸漸放棄了造夢和幻想。由6月28日至7月2日於「海港城‧美術館」舉行的展覽「還有 別處」,五位來自香港藝術學院 (香港藝術中心附屬機構) 的年青藝術家,以展品觸發觀眾的幻想空間,為觀眾帶來獨特的視覺體驗。


參與展覽的五位創作人,分別修畢或正就讀由香港藝術學院與澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學合辦的藝術文學士課程。他們來自課程的四個主修範疇:繪畫、攝影、陶藝及雕塑。畫家黃欣欣筆下的蜂鳥,彷彿走進充滿魔法的城市森林,錯綜複雜的構圖,令人目光眩暈。同樣是主修繪畫的葉雯,喜歡以童年為題材,她細膩地描繪小朋友的純真片刻,是回憶也是盼望。在南非長大,現正修讀攝影的Janine Claase,透過把影像打印在金銀衣紙上,將自身形象和本土文化巧妙地結合,帶來奇想虛幻的視覺效果。區灝藍早在她在學時專注研究陶瓷物料,今次她使用骨瓷,把它變幻莫測的有機形態,輕盈地懸浮於空氣之中。主修雕塑的陳安瑤,擅長以充滿詩意的視覺元素,温惋地細說着意識流般的故事。其中她展出的船槳及信件,帶有漂流及遠洋的暗示,巧合地呼應着展場外的海港。


日期:2018年6月28日 – 7月2日

時間:11am – 10 pm


開幕:2018年6月28日(星期四) 7pm – 9:30pm

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